Ballet Dancer

2D Character Design

This is the assignment for Creative Coding: Unity Sp '22.



A/D for Left/Right movement

W for Jump

for Shoot (the dancer shoots with her shoes! :)



For this assignment, we were asked to create our own 2D character sprites. I decided to do it in pixel art style. The reason I used ballet dancer as my character was that we not often associate dancers with fighting or action games, so I want to make a special contrast by letting them defeat enemies. The movement and attack skills were all inspired by real ballet movement, and the player shoot enemies (black swam) by spinning attack! 



1. Player is set to have 5 lives in default.

2. There is no time limit, but player can only win (get out) by collecting all 10 gifts (collectibles)

3. Enemies (black swans) will cause players to lose life. 

4. Be cautious! Platforms all have different functions.


External Credits:

Opening music: Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel OST 28 - The Professor's Trunk

Main music: Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake - II. Dance of the Little Swans

Text wobble effect tutorial: Madalaski


All sprites, scripts, effects, and UX are original.